
My current prices are as follows:

    • Learner lessons are £45 per hour.

    • Vocational training, for example, in preparing for a taxi or Diamond Advanced Test is £50 per hour.

    • Instructor training is £50 per hour.

    • Motorway lessons are charged at £50 per hour.

    • Multiple occupancy lessons - £30 per person per hour (based on a minimum of 2 pupils per car). See below for more information.

Multiple occupancy lessons

I am now offering multiple occupancy lessons. You will be amazed at how much you can learn during a group training session. These are normally a minimum of two hours, which you would share with a friend.

You will remain actively involved in the training at all times, regardless of whether you are in the driver's seat or in the back. These sessions not only save you money, allowing you to learn to drive on a much lower budget, but can also better prepare you for real-life driving situations. After all, most new drivers will allow passengers in their cars - what better way to prepare yourself for the distractions and stresses that this can bring, than to train with passengers present?

Multiple occupancy lessons are charged at £30 per person per hour.

Other services

Please contact me for prices of any of my other services.